News etc.

Creative Soldering Uncategorized

OnkartBråk soldering course

After many mails, chats and calls, OnkartGromt and BråkFX is ready for our first cooperation! Torje, the man behind BråkFX,...
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Review on

Many of you probably know Chris Tromp that runs the compressorpedalreviews website. Almost countless pedals have been tested by him...
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Uncategorized Videos

Christmas calendar Quiz 2019

It has become a nice tradition for both me(Øyvind) and some followers on Instagram that have the patience to solve...
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Industry Sales

OnkartGromt in Plymouth

OnkartGromt is now possible to buy in one of the finest pedal shops around. So if your in Plymouth, MA,...
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Industry NAMM Sales

NAMM 2018

We had a great time at NAMM this year! All the response from artists, reviewers and distributors was great. Here...
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OnkartGromt at Evenstad Musikk

You can now buy our products from the great guys at Evenstad Musikk. They usually have all our products in...
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Sales Uncategorized

Chineese distributor Doll Music

We love China and are very happy to announce that Doll Music will distribute our products here! And we are...
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US distributor Alpha Distribution

We are VERY proud to announce that Alpha Distribution is our official distributor in US. They have a long history...
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Creative London bass guitar show

London Bass guitar show 2017

We had a really good time at the LBGS 2017!  A lot of low frequency noise... to be honest, too...
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Creative Soldering TechInsider Uncategorized

Soldering course #2 Success!

The course was a great success and all the guys managed to get their pedals working at the end of...
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Creative Soldering Uncategorized

Soldering course

This coming saturday (1.oct) there will be a soldering course at OnkartGromt's office in Søgne. You will be able to...
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Grombass on museum!

It's not every day that you get your product in a museum. Usually means that you're dead... But not this...
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Industry Soldering TechInsider

Soldering ABC

Here is a brilliant e-book on basic soldering. This is a free book that you should share with your friends...
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Industry TechInsider

Make your own stuff!

Why not start making your own stuff? But where to start? Well, start by downloading Kicad; the best open source...
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Basic circuit knowledge

Ever wonder how these signals travels trough a circuit? Well, it can be quite complicated at times. This little app...
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Grombass waveforms

[vc_column width="2/3"][vc_video link=""][vc_column width="1/3"] Take a look at how the waveforms from the Grombass actually looks like and an explanation...
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Industry TechInsider

Built to last

Why are some instruments and effects still operating after 30 years? Maybe the design was well thought and the craftsmanship...
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Universal pedal power

How many times have you got this fancy new (or old) effect that doesn't use the standard 9V negative center?...
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