Contact OnkartGromt

Doktor Rohdes vei 14, 4640 Søgne, Norway Tel: +47  41208241 post@ For service and repair of electronic equipment, please send mail.

7 thoughts on “Contact OnkartGromt

  1. Hey guys,
    just traded a pedal for the Grombass sic. What’s the difference to the standard Grombass? Is it a special edition?
    Anyway, it rocks! 🙂
    Take care, Rainer

    1. Hi Rainer,

      Yes, it is a special version with some very high performing Silicon Carbaide Diodes inside=) Some of the fastest diodes out there and they bring some special character to your distortion!

      Have fun!


  2. Hello,

    How many milliamps of current does the Grompressor require?


    sonny rosenberg

    1. Hi!
      It uses maximum 250mA at 9V.

      1. Thanks!
        I just bought a Grompressor (serialnr 34).
        From what I’ve been reading there is a more recent model with a more adjustable side chain and a noise gate.
        I don’t suppose my unit is updatable to the current firmware? Not that my unit is noisy at all it’s very quiet and doesn’t need the noise gate, but the adjustable sidechain frequency would be welcome.

        1. It is possible to upgrade it if has the aluminium box(looks like a macbook surface). If it is the white powder coated steel box, it is not possible.. If it is the correct one, you can follow the instructions on this page:

  3. Thank you! Mine does have the aluminum box.

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